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Litigation Series: What To Know If You Are Planning To Sue

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Foster Swift Second Wednesday Morning Break
July 13, 2022

Lawsuit in CourtroomDeciding whether or not to file a lawsuit can be one of the most difficult, and in some cases life-altering, decisions a person or business can make. Lawsuits can take years to complete, are disruptive to an individual’s life or a business’ operations and in extreme cases, may require a person to bet their life savings or a business to “bet the company” to reach a satisfactory conclusion. Put simply, lawsuits are serious matters, and the pros and cons of filing one should always be seriously considered and discussed with a knowledgeable trial lawyer.

So, if you find yourself in the position of needing to sue, what are some of the things you should consider? That all depends on whether you are an individual or a business, whether you will be in a state or federal court, or if you have realistic alternatives to filing a lawsuit.

Join us for our next Second Wednesday Morning Break where we will discuss: What To Know If You Are Planning To Sue. This session is the first of a three-part series on litigation and will cover things you should consider before you sue somebody, including the different perspectives and considerations for individuals and businesses.

This session will feature moderator Patricia Scott and litigation attorney Brandon M. H. Schumacher discussing some of the factors that should be considered before filing a lawsuit such as the differences in suing in a federal vs. state court and possible alternatives to filing a lawsuit.